Particle Counters Annual Calibration Visit to Bristol Water

Particle counters from Process Instruments only require calibration once a year. Calibration of the CounterSense is crucial to maintain the high standard of confidence that users have in readings obtained from Pi’s particle counters.

The CounterSense can count particles ranging from 2-750 microns and size particles from 2-127 microns and allows multiple sensors on a single analyser. The sapphire optics give rise to its extended life, making it more robust and cost effective, adding to the reduced costs of ownership associated with the CounterSense due to the simple, low maintenance, annual user calibration. A CRIUS® or CRONOS® controller gives the same performance but with varied communication, display and control options.  The CounterSense can be used in a range of applications, not just drinking water, e.g. pre-RO monitoring, membrane filtration monitoring and ultra-clean medical device washing monitoring.

When choosing the CounterSense, you’re not just purchasing a sophisticated particle counter, you are investing in dedicated customer and service support.

CRIUS® CounterSense, particle counter, at Bristol Water

Bristol Water have invested in CounterSense particle counters from Pi and actively use them to monitor filter and membrane performance to optimise filtration. The service team from Pi completed the annual calibration at not just one, but five Bristol Water sites. Training to all the Bristol Water instrument technicians was also delivered on simple maintenance routines. The training and commissioning mentioned here is not specific to just CounterSense- during one of the visits, a legacy product, PC2400D, which was installed 15 years ago, was also re-commissioned and calibrated. This shows that both the products and service from Pi stand the test of time.

Other products in the particle counter range from Pi include FilterSense and ParticleSense. To learn more about Pi’s particle counter range, simply click here.

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