Bushmills, the renowned distiller in Northern Ireland, recently selected and installed a CRIUS 4.0® analyser from Pi to measure COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) and turbidity.

During Commissioning Bushmill’s Staff discovered that the transitional peak readings were setting off alarms and requiring tedious manual intervention. Bushmills’s staff had the foresight when they purchased the analyser to include the remote access option (Control InSite). This meant that a quick phone call to Pi to ask for help led to a Pi engineer logging on to the CRIUS 4.0® remotely and setting time delays on the alarms whilst the customer was on the phone.
In the past, an intervention such as changing a few settings on an analyser would have meant a costly service visit, the associated time lost by Bushmills (risk assessments, method statements, inductions etc.) and the environmental impact of travel miles associated with the visit.

Not only did the remote access option on the CRIUS 4.0® pay for itself in the first few months of operation, but it meant that Bushmills staff who were “extremely impressed” with the remote access capability, were able to do what they do best which is to distil some of the finest whiskey in the world!
For details on Process Instrument’s range of controllers / analysers including the Crius®, Cronos® and online remote access and their use in clean and safe drinking water please give one of our representatives a call today.