Scottish Water, Yorkshire Water, and Dŵr Cymru all share one thing in common – they all use particle counters from Pi!
The particle counter systems used by the municipal water companies are comprised of multiple components, including a Pi controller (CRIUS®4.0 or CRONOS®), and one of the three particle counters offered by Pi, a CounterSense, FilterSense, and ParticleSense.
Each of these particle counter systems are supplied by Pi, who also offer commissioning and service.
Maintenance can sound quite daunting, thinking that it is a constant effort to have to maintain the equipment. Not so the particle counters from Pi! All that is needed in the line of maintenance is a brush clean, which can be easily done by the user in just a few minutes.
They also need calibrating, this however only takes place once a year, and Pi’s reliable and experienced service team will come to your site to conduct the calibration. Perfect! (Although Pi’s particle counters are unique in that customers can be shown how to do this annual calibration themselves).
Alongside minimal maintenance, and infrequent calibration, particle counters from Pi can count water-borne particles down to two microns, and are typically used to optimise the removal of Cryptosporidia and Giardia (parasites). All of Pi’s particle counters report both the particle counts and size distributions.

If you would like to learn more about Pi’s particle counters, or any other Pi products, then please visit: