Chlorine Analyzers for Residual Chlorine Monitoring- Chloribrid®
Electrochemical and Online DPD Hybrid

Free and total residual chlorine measurements are essential parameters in water treatment facilities for ensuring water safety. Two technologies are commonly used: electrochemical and DPD (online), both available from Pi. Each technology has specific advantages and disadvantages. The patented Chloribrid® combines both technologies in a hybrid instrument to address the limitations of each method, providing the benefits of both electrochemical and online DPD technologies.

The Chloribrid® operates using an electrochemical sensor with hourly verification by DPD measurement. This provides continuous chlorine measurement with regular cross-technology verification. When measurements differ significantly, the system generates an alarm and continues operation using the user-selected technology until maintenance can be performed.

The Chloribrid® chlorine monitoring system is designed for applications where reliability and simplicity of operation are required, and where redundancy and durability are necessary, such as unmanned and remote locations.

During initialization, Chloribrid® uses online DPD measurements at 3-minute intervals until the difference between online DPD and electrochemical sensor readings stabilizes. The system then uses the online DPD reading to calibrate the electrochemical sensor and switches to hourly DPD verification (adjustable by user).

Extended Maintenance Periods and Long Life DPD Reagent

Electrochemical sensors typically require maintenance every 6 months to a year, while online DPD colorimeters need monthly maintenance due to reagent consumption and degradation.

The Chloribrid® maintains a 6-month maintenance interval by reducing DPD measurement frequency from every 3 minutes to every 60 minutes. The DPD reagent formulation has demonstrated stability for over 6 months, including at temperatures up to 104°F.

  • Continuous online monitoring for residual chlorine in water
  • Secondary chlorination- free chlorine dosing control
  • Cooling tower monitoring and control
  • Water treatment plant residual chlorine dosing control
  • Distribution monitoring
  • Pasteurizer dosing control
  • Seawater chlorination control
  • Bromine monitoring in seawater
  • Food washing
  • Chloramination control

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