
Part of our range of controllers, the CRIUS®4.0 is the top of the range of the Pi controllers and offers more sensor connections, more functionality and more flexibility, with a color display and an optional built in 3G/4G modem.

The CRIUS®4.0 is a competitively-priced, top-tier instrument controller. Optional communications packages allow for Profibus, Modbus ASCII, Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP and others.

Renowned for its capability, flexibility and its intuitive user interface the CRIUS®4.0 is an extremely capable process controller and remote access internet gateway.

The CRIUS®4.0 comes equipped with the capability to connect up to four sensors of any type with suitable analogue outputs and relays. Four sensors not enough? Just connect up to 4 CRIUS®4.0 together, all using the same display and communications.

Equipped with data-logging as standard and multiple optional PID loops, the CRIUS®4.0 is an extremely capable controller, capable of controlling elaborate water treatment processes at a highly-competitive price in relation to other industry controllers.

With all users having their own log on credentials, and with three levels of instrument and remote access security, you can safely and confidently use the CRIUS®4.0 and all of its superior functionality.

CRIUS® and CRONOS® Devices
Technical Note575KB
How To Specify a Pi AnalyzerTechnical Note815kB
Water 4.0, Industry 4.0, IoT, SMART and DIGITALTechnical Note727kB
CRONOS® and CRIUS®4.0 Control OptionsTechnical Note608kB
Remote Access – InSiteBrochure1.3mB
Remote Access – LIVE DATATechnical Note586kB
AutoflushTechnical Note1.6MB
Probe FoulingTechnical Note459kB
PID ControlTechnical Note710kB
VSD Control to Reduce Swimming Pool Electricity BillsTechnical Note665kB
DPD ChecklistTechnical Note487kB

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